About Me!

A pretty normal person (most of the time!) who thinks about food most the time…….


When I was young, my nana used to cook THE best rissoles with mashed potato and I have very fond memories of eating yummy things with my all grandparents.  I went through school on peanut butter sandwiches and learnt to cook sausage rolls in home ec at school. My mom taught me the staples before leaving home; spaghetti bolognaise, macaroni cheese and oaty biscuits and the rest I picked up on my own. I originally wanted to be a vet but 3 years of studying animals at uni but missing two-way conversations left me thinking humans are not so bad after all. So in 1995, off I went to study human nutrition…..and 18+ years later, the rest is history as they say.

So who am I?

  • Busy!
  • A mom
  • A wife
  • A teacher – love my job!
  • Loves making bread
  • Loves breakfast
  • Loves peanut butter
  • An organisational freak
  • A bit of a fruitcake at times
  • Loves baking (when I get the time)
  • Doesn’t / can’t sit still
  • Doesn’t like mustard or Stilton (think that’s about it)

My posts will cover healthy and unhealthy eating alike;

  • Me ranting about the latest diet craze
  • Sharing the latest ideas and suggestions on how to eat more healthily
  • What and why we should be limiting certain foods / drinks
  • What we should be eating / drinking more of and why
  • Linking illness and disease to diet
  • Reviewing TV programmes
  • Telling stories and jokes
  • Any other random stuff

I started this blog in April 2014. It is from my heart; it’s the truth about food which can be a bit tongue in cheek, yet hopefully written in a way you find interesting, informative and light-hearted. I often wade through the layers of cr*p about diet and health on the internet and it bugs me ‘Jo public’ reads all this stuff and end up making unnecessary mistakes with their diet or throwing money down the toilet. So I hope you enjoy my posts, learn a bit and I openly welcome any thoughts, comments and questions you may have for me!


Thank you


















2 thoughts on “About Me!

    • melwakeman

      Thank you Alison! There is so much BS it is hard to wade through but we are lucky to be in jobs like ours where we can try and make a difference. Let’s keep up the good work! 🙂


Penny for your thoughts........