MUD is the future!

Read it here first folks.

The latest diet craze predicted to be THE diet of the future.

You’ve read about the dangerous clay diet. Well that’s last week’s news.

It’s time for MUD!

No gimmicks, just sarcasm.

No pills.

Absolutely no celebrity endorsements.

No airbrushed ‘before and after’ pictures.

No claims made by fake doctors.

No twisted truths.

No statements  that contradict public health messages.

No exclusive web-only offers to steal your money.

No shakes, bars or supplements at ridiculous prices.

No extortionate equipment to buy or DVD’s to watch.

No need to starve!


Can you believe what you are reading?

Then keep going!


A completely balanced approach to eating.

Completely achievable and sustainable.

Safe and healthy!

Suitable for everyone!

No more yo-yo’ing

Eat REAL WHOLESOME FOOD, 7 days a week!

No need to eliminate any major food groups on this diet.

Eat any coloured fruit and veg, meat, poultry, fish, beans, pulses, cereals, grains, seeds, nuts and dairy.

Simply go back to basics with food.

Absolutely impossible to get bored on this diet; literally millions of recipes to try!

Let your body do what it does best – cleanse and detox itself naturally.

This diet will not melt away your belly fat into thin air or make your boobs grow 3 cup sizes.

There are no claims to halve your body weight ‘healthily’ in 6 weeks.

It is not effortless,  exclusive or a breakthrough. It is simply realistic.

It will NOT however, give you the side effects that you may have experienced from other, more dangerous diets.

No promises of ‘a quick fix’ so you won’t fall off the wagon.

It does not play on the vulnerabilities of the young and influential, or those with insecurities or low self esteem.

No mention of the word ‘thinspiration‘ (which I detest!)

You too can achieve weight loss successfully, or simply feel better and be healthy without






bad breath


low blood sugar

light headedness

weakness and fatigue

loss of concentration


electrolyte imbalances

heart arrhythmias

drop in blood pressure

Yes! You too can achieve the body you want, without the risk of being seriously unwell.

Live a normal life whilst following MUD.

No rules to dishearten you.

Reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes!

This diet is entirely evidence based.

The most research completed ever on the benefits of this diet.

Supported by 1000,s of registered nutritionists, dietitians and other reputable health professionals.

It’s clear as MUD!

If you would like to try MUD, you will be taking on a sustainable diet for life!

This is the Made Up Diet.

Guaranteed to improve your health, otherwise known as a healthy balanced diet! 

Perhaps giving it a new name will mean people will take more notice?

Does the good ‘ol healthy diet just need to be re -branded?!

In terms of marketing how do we compete with the nonsensical diet?

File:Healthy Red Tomatoes with Water Drops.jpg

Anyway, the guidelines are simple – this is what you should do:

  • Eat regularly and always start with a healthy breakfast
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables (at least 5 portions a day – 1 portion = 80g)
  • Choose plenty of wholegrain bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods 
  • Include some milk and dairy foods
  • Include some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein
  • Reduce the amount of foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar
  • Watch out for low fat foods that can be high in added sugar.
  • Limit fruit juice to 150ml/day – whole fruit is much better for you
  • Cut down on saturated fat (no more than 20g/day for women and 30g/day for men)
  • Cut down on salt (no more than 6g/day for adults)
  • Cut down on processed foods – typically rich in added salt, sugar and fat.
  • Use the front of packet traffic light system to help you choose healthier foods – Choose foods with a green traffic light label and limit those with red labels
  • Drink plenty of fluids (choose water and low fat milk, tea or low sugar soft drinks)
  • Watch your portion sizes.
  • Be active.

Just add a handful of motivation and a jug of support!

This is a tongue in cheek blog on popular faddy diets. The MUD is entirely fictitious and comes from my head only 🙂

Every week there is a new fad – from baby food to claydukan to slim fast, purple to 1:1:1. I am fed up with the unqualified pseudocientists that dream up the next magic bullet that will undoubtedly mean people fail to reach their weight loss goals or improve their health. Most are unsustainable and potentially dangerous and they simply confuse the general public about what foods are ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

There seems to be an infinite number of so called ‘diets’ out there. I actually made a joke about some new diets I had never heard of before and randomly came up with some new potential diet names (1,2,3 diet and the A,B,C diet) only to be told by a fellow twitterer that they already existed! For good reviews of other popular diets read this.

So MUD is my idea of a joke aimed at those that dream up the next diet craze. To take the P of the claims they make.

The advice given here however is completely genuine and is what is encouraged when we talk about following a healthy balanced diet.

The reality is there is no such thing as a ‘quick fix’. A new diet is unlikely to solve all your health or weight ‘problems’ overnight. Yes you need to be willing to change what you eat and drink for the long term and you are more than likely going to be successful if you have family and friends to help you. So try healthy eating, you might actually like it!

For more information please read the newly updated Eat Well Plate Guidelines and go to Change for Life to learn how to Eat Well, Move More and Live Longer.

Thank you 😉




From hospitals to jelly babies to nonsense diets.

Stay with me, you will get where I am going with this…………….


No Bananas / Melons, Not Before Midnight, or after for that matter

Nil By Mouth

A medical instruction for patients who may not eat or drink for various reasons.

Mine because I was having surgery.

I essentially had to starve myself.  This was the first time ever I have had to deprive myself of all food and drink for any length of time and it was completely against my natural urge to eat when hungry. As it turned out I only had to stop eating from 11am until I went down to theatre at around 8.30pm which I didn’t think was too bad really. There were no significant delays so I was fortunate to go down pretty much when I expected to. It is highly unusual for me to go more than 3-4hours without eating, never mind 9.5 so during this time my patience and mood were tested, as was my relationship with my husband.

File:Fasting 4-Fasting-a-glass-of-water-on-an-empty-plate.jpg

Now I love food. I live to eat as opposed to eat to live so taking food out of my life leaves a big hole. Even by 1.30, having just eaten at 10.59, I missed my lunch. I imagined sitting down to tuck in. What will I do with myself?! I started thinking non-stop about food. What would I eat afterwards? How much would I be allowed to eat? What if I feel sick and not be able to eat?!  I wonder what so-and-so is having to eat? Thank goodness I packed those emergency jelly babies, just in case. I always feel safe with jelly babies. A childhood treat that I rely on when  feeling poorly. Both my mum and nana have sworn by them for years so they must be good. Sweet to give you some energy but fruity so they don’t make you feel yukky. “A little bit of what you fancy does you good”, that’s what my nana used to say.  I knew if I woke up starving, my jelly babies would save me! 🙂

At 3.30 I took my last sips of water and watched my husband slurp his large mug of tea. I can see this seems dramatic from an onlooker but for me this was a big deal. By 5.30 I had a very empty, grumbly stomach and by 6.30 was dreaming about crispy beef cantonese style and yuk sung………..By 8.00 my husband caved. Much to my disgust, shock and without pause he stole my jelly babies! Not only that, he openly ate them in front of me, no care taken to leave me my favourite black ones, or eat them with compassion (head first so they don’t feel anything). He just devoured them! No savoring of each one individually, he just stuffed them in, several at a time and told me how good they were! The cheek! I think this will require me to ‘milk the recuperation time‘ if you know what I mean 😉

I was however, reassured by the delightful tea lady I would have  a sandwich waiting for me for when I felt like it after my surgery. This did help me feel better……somewhat.  But under the influence of anaesthetic, I slept through the entire night until 7.30am the following morning. So 20.5hrs since my last meal I was tucking into a lovely hospital breakfast (yes, I said lovely!).

It was then it occurred to me. Why would you choose to fast /starve yourself for health reasons, more specifically for weight loss? Now I appreciate there are essential medical reasons why fasting (i.e. NBM) takes place in hospitals. And I understand the strong religious and spiritual reasons why people fast too (Muslims are currently in the middle of Ramadan and do not eat or drink during daylight for 30 days) but I don’t get the willing denial of all food, drink, or both, for prolonged periods of time to help reduce the size of our waistlines. Partly because I couldn’t do it but I also know it doesn’t work.

Fasting is defined as the willing abstinence from or reduction of food, drink, or both, for a period of time. We will normally have an overnight fasting period where we do not eat (unless you are a secret eater or sleep-walker taking trips to the fridge in the middle of the night) and then we break this fast with ‘breakfast’. Continuing to significantly restrict Calorie intake throughout the rest of the day, whether it be for 24hrs or several days or more is viewed as fasting. You could be intentionally skipping meals, following a restricted diet plan out of the Daily Mail or off the Internet or simply avoiding eating all day and ‘saving’ the calories up for another time. I need to say these are not necessarily healthy approaches to eating or weight loss and you will probably be worse off in the long run. This is what I think about intentional fasting for weight loss:

To me it’s madness, which ever way you look at it. The 5:2 intermittent fasting comes to mind first. With this diet you eat normally for five days of the week and fast on the other two days. When I say eat normally, the diet plan encourages you to eat healthily and sensibly but no doubt, following the 2 day fast its a free for all treat fest for a 5 full days.  The comedian Dom Joly reported he liked this diet as “I simply have to get through to the next day where I can eat and drink to my heart’s content”.  Great for helping to encourage permanent lifestyle changes eh? The fasting then comes as a massive shock to the system; eating around 1/4 of your normal daily calorific requirement – that’s just 500-600 Calories a day! I simply couldn’t function on this. Not only would I be flagging by mid morning but I would not be a very nice person to be around. When I am hungry and need to eat it’s best to give me a wide berth!

This 5:2 diet was developed based on research findings in animals by the Institute of aging and health at University College London in 2012. They reported that eating less could help you love longer – “If you reduce the diet of a rat by 40 per cent it will live for 20 or 30 per cent longer. So we would be talking 20 years of human life. This has shown on all sorts of organisms, even labradors.” OK now we it has been seen that certain populations that have a more ‘conservative’ diet live a little longer but where is the proper research in humans? And how does this translate into a ‘pig out for 5 days, fast for 2 days’ diet?  Many of us rely too heavily on processed foods and in our society where we have developed the skill of mindless eating rather than mindful. Anyway it’s not just about how long we live is it? And on this train of thought, The University of Bath have just reported that following the 5:2 diet could affect your immune system and increase your risk of infection – read it here.

Apparently the 5:2 has worked for J Lo and Benedict Cumberbatch (plus a load of  Z class celebrities who I have never heard of before). They reveal their secret on the red carpet as we gawk at their new slimline figures, yeah yeah, do we really care?! Well it seems so! Unfortunately we believe everything that comes out of their mouths and forget the 6-figure salaries they are on to pay for the personal chef, trainer, nanny, housekeeper oh and don’t forget J Lo’s plastic surgery. We forget these people do not lead normal lives like we do. I mean come on, if only we were all like Linda Barker, we would have that will power and therefore the perfect bod (oh those abs!), job done!  Am I right?!  :-/

I was actually pleased to see Philip Schofield reporting how he hated the diet; that it made him hallucinate when on the fasting days. Please can we have more stories published about the harsh realities of nonsense diets rather than the rosy-coloured spectacle versions all the time?

The worst ‘diet’ I have seen is the Breatharian DietAs the name suggests you live on breathing alone…….yes you did read that correctly. A Breatharian (I can’t imagine they live that long so evidence is going to be sparse here) believes they do not need to eat food or drink any liquids because they can achieve sustenance from air and sunlight alone. I am literally trying not to laugh out loud as I type this! Apparently this is very similar to Madonna‘s  ‘Air Diet’ when you pretend to eat the food on the plate in front of you and fill up by gulping air.  Mmmm sounds delicious doesn’t it! We cannot survive without water or food so PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Seriously, it’s dangerous. You may lose weight but you’ll die too.

Whatever we seek to improve ourselves, we are not helped with unrealistic and perfectionist images. Then we are led to believe these unachievable  bodies are the result of a super new, never been seen before quick, cheap and easy fix. Get those results you have wanted for so long in less than 6 weeks! And so we dream on………we think ‘if it worked for them, it will work for me! ‘The baby food diet, the egg and wine diet, the purple diet…… whichever one it is, these fad and nonsense diets will take you on a long and winding road to no-where. There may be some health benefits but nothing you can’t gain from eating sensibly. The reality is if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Image from (I am not endorsing this or any other detox product)

Following a restricted low-calorie or very low-calorie diet without help and advice from the right people (i.e. a registered dietitian or nutritionist) will more than likely make you moody and irritable, feel sluggish and lethargic, give you headaches, bad breath and constipation! There is also a real risk of developing nutritional deficiencies, hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) and low blood pressure, which could be particularly dangerous if you have pre-existing diabetes or heart disease.  Fasting for prolonged periods of time is also likely to make your metabolic rate fall, reducing the number of calories you burn and actually slowing weight loss. There is a nice review here I would recommend you to read (by the British Dietetic Association) of the top 10 diets and their pros and cons. So getting the right advice and support is essential. As is being motivated to start making changes.

OK so there may be some initial weight loss but I can confidently say this will be closely followed by weight regain, plus a bit more as you fall off the ‘latest diet craze’ wagon, back into your old eating habits. The yo-yo diet which teaches you nothing about making successful long term dietary improvements. In some respects weight loss is simple. You eat less, you do more, you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight.  Now if it was this simple, we wouldn’t all be talking about the obesity epidemic but when it comes to fasting, fad and nonsense diets, it is not rocket science or anything amazing that explains any resulting weight loss.  It’s just not sustainable. Let me explain a few things here –

  1. Most diets will cut your calorie intake. That’s it. No magic wands required. No spells performed. By eating more protein, less fat, fewer carbs, drinking juices, shakes and flavoured waters, you will be consuming fewer calories than your body is using up. It is this that results in weight loss. If you don’t consume enough calories from your diet, your body will use up its own energy stores to supply enough energy for it to carry on its everyday processes. This means it has to break down fat and protein (muscle) stores so we get smaller.
  2. We cannot spot reduce. No matter what you are told by the product information, you can not melt away that belly fat, shrink those love handles or deflate those muffin tops in isolation of any other part of your body. It is not possible to ‘shift’ your metabolism so you just tackle those stubborn places. The size of your body fat stores as a whole will shrink as you burn fat to provide energy for your body.  Your body will not burn 100% pure fat so it’s not going to say “right, let’s get those bingo wings this morning!”  There will always be a little protein (muscle) loss when trying to lose weight but that is why exercise can be really help.  It preserves your muscle mass – this is the most metabolic tissue of your body so it is best at burning Calories and helping with weight loss. 
  3. Detox diets are not necessary. Diets (particularly those based on drinks and juices) often claim they help remove harmful toxins from your body. That it will be cleansed and purified as you breakdown these toxins which will then help to correct disorders and diseases (oh please!)  A detox is NOT an essential part of your health and beauty regime even if Beyonce does it. Save your pennies and buy some fruit and veg instead and by all means try a fresh cold-pressed veggie juice if you can afford it. Whole fruit and veg are much cheaper though, with guaranteed and scientifically proven health benefits! We have survived since we appeared on Earth with our very own detox system – our liver. Our liver is responsible for cleansing and detoxifying our body. We just need to supply fluids and it will beaver away all on its own. Just don’t abuse it!
  4. Pills are not the answer either. Whether it’s expensive raspberry ketones or metabolic boosters (containing all sorts of stimulants from caffeine to chili) to increase weight loss, there is no sound scientific evidence that they actually work (don’t believe the before vs after shots of people who took them!) They are likely to be harmful by causing you a number of unpleasant and potentially serious side effects as well as being a complete waste of money.

 So in summary:

  • Fasting is not advisable for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the elderly or sick.
  • Fasting may increase your risk of dehydration, low blood sugar and low blood pressure
  • Fasting can result in nutrient deficiencies, poor health and a low immune system
  • Eat regularly throughout the day, including breakfast to encourage weight loss
  • Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals and lean protein
  • Limit the amount of added sugars and fats in your diet
  • Watch your portion sizes
  • Drink plenty of fluids (low sugar!), especially in this heat!
  • Jelly Babies are OK in moderation!